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Users & Multiple Devices

Understanding user roles

SOS List has 3 defined user roles within the system.


Users are the lowest level permission to access SOS List.

User accounts can perform the following actions:

  • Create & Join SOS Lists
  • Create and Edit any SOS List entry
  • Archive & Delete SOS List entries
  • Rename SOS Lists
  • Create & Edit Folders and Documents


Administrator (Admin) is a privilege granted to user accounts by the Owner account or other Admin users.

Admin accounts can perform the following additional actions:

  • Create users & invite codes
  • Grant/revoke admin privileges for user accounts
  • Deactivate user accounts
  • Edit user profiles & reset user account passwords
  • Delete SOS Lists & Document Folders


The Owner account is the first account made during the installation process.

This account cannot have its admin privileges revoked and Admin users cannot change the Owner account's settings.

This account has unique access to SOS Settings and can Delete user accounts.

*If you need help gaining access to your SOS List Owner account, Contact Us.